How to Make Your House a Home: 9 Tips

How to Make Your House a Home: 9 Tips
Home. Those four letters have so much meaning.
A house is the bricks, the walls, the roof, the ceilings - all the physical things that hold together a shelter. A home is so much more - it is a feeling as well as a place. A feeling of warmth, coziness, safety, and love. A place where you can be yourself with the ones you love most.

Sometimes it seems like everyone else has the perfect family and home life, doesn’t it? I know all too well the feelings of inadequacy that can come from comparing your home to someone else's. But the truth is, no one has it all together. Each one of us has our own strengths and weaknesses and we are all on a different phase in our life journey. So next time you feel the self-doubt seeping in, look around and notice the good that you already have in your life. There is so much to be grateful for and there is power in recognizing those things. Your home is full of love and memories that are yours to keep. Remember: always look for the good while also seeking out opportunities for improvement. Nothing is perfect and change takes time.
Music has a way of creating a mood and bringing people together. Think of the way movies use music to move our emotions. When the music builds, we start to feel excited because we know that something is about to happen. Music is such a powerful and emotional connector. Why not bring that bit of science into your own home and set your scene with music?

Adding pops of color has a definite impact on the way your home feels. Each color and shade has an effect on mood, environment, and emotion. It’s true that certain colors make you a feel a certain way. Using color in your home is an amazing tool to help you create a space that feels the way you want it to.
Having art around that inspires you and brings you joy will always have a place in your home. You can amplify a mood with the type of art that you choose to display. The art pieces you choose help you express yourself and your individuality. They also help others get to know you better when they come to visit. A great piece of art should inspire you or encourage you or make you smile. When choosing which art you want to hang in your home, choose what you love - don't worry about matching your sofa.

Light is such an important character in your home's story. During the day, open the curtains and let natural daylight stream in. You'll have more energy and you'll feel happier. Natural light also makes rooms seem bigger and more welcoming. Win, win!
Some other important characters in your home's story are the plants and pets. Plants make the air smell great and will reduce dust in the air. Pets give you companionship and can reduce stress. Both plants and pets need special attention (i.e. you need to keep them alive!) but will help make your house a home.
Of course, the most important characters in your home's story are the people who live there. We are collectors, we are memory keepers, and we have so much love to give as human beings. You and your loved ones should feel at home and in love with the way the home makes you feel when you're there.
When it comes to making your house a home, the most important thing to remember is that your home is part of your story. You get to decide what story you want to tell the world.
What is it that makes your house your home ?