It's not small to me

Some days all I see are the unmet goals or the ruined paintings on my table or the lost studio time and I feel like I haven't even moved an inch from where I started.
But when I look back with a bit of perspective, I'm more than reminded how truly far I've come since the first time I ever made the leap of naïve faith to start an art business back in 2012.
I can see that what started as an answer to a creative call inside of me and a desire to share what I had created all those years ago, has been one of the biggest blessings of my life.
And I can see that it's because of you that any of it was even possible in the first place.
Can't say it enough
So today, on this Small Business Saturday, I simply can't go any longer without saying thank you.
Thank you for supporting my small business ventures and choosing to bring my art into your world. Thank you for your kindness and encouragement over the years.
Being a small business owner can be tough to navigate and I feel like I've learned every lesson the hard way - I'm learning new hard lessons even still - but it is such an honor to be able to create artwork for you to connect with and enjoy.
It may seem like a small thing to some, but your support will never be small to me.
Thank you so much.